东丽公司在其收购的科罗拉多州Gordon Plastics工厂中生产单向复合材料带。

Toray Advanced Composites(东丽高级复合材料公司)通过购买位于科罗拉多州Gordon Plastics LLC来扩大其热塑性复合材料的产品组合,交易条款未公开。

东丽收购美国 Gordon Plastics 以扩大复合材料的生产和研发

东丽公司在11月4日宣布,将收购 Gordon的资产、技术和知识产权,旨在扩大其连续纤维增强热塑性复合材料单向带的产品开发和制造,并增强其高熔点聚合物系统的能力。

TAC首席技术官兼美国管理总监Steve Cease称这次收购为“重大扩展……主要关注支持体育用品、石油和天然气以及工业市场的新兴需求。”




Toray Unidirectional composites tape manufacturing in the Gordon Plastics facility in Colorado that Toray has acquired.

Toray Advanced Composites is expanding its thermoplastic composites portfolio by buying Gordon Plastics LLC in Englewood, Colo., for undisclosed terms.

Toray announced Nov. 4 that it was buying the assets, technology and intellectual property of Gordon, in a bid to expand its product development and manufacturing for continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite unidirectional tape, and beef up its capabilities with higher melting temperature polymer systems.

Steve Cease, the chief technology officer and U.S. managing director for TAC, called the acquisition a "significant expansion … with a key focus on supporting emerging demand in sporting goods, oil and gas, and industrial markets."

"The Gordon technology, capacity, expertise, and fast response culture is a great addition to Toray Advanced Composites, further signaling Toray's commitment to industrializing thermoplastic composites," he said.

Gordon's 47,000-square-foot facility in Englewood will operate as both a production location and a satellite research and development office, Toray said.

It said Gordon's site management and production personnel will join Toray.

The Gordon acquisition comes after Toray last year said it was building a 74,000-square-foot factory at its campus in Morgan Hill, Calif., increasing its production capacity for thermoplastic and thermoset composites by 50 percent.



来源:Plastics News


原文始发于微信公众号(艾邦高分子):东丽收购美国 Gordon Plastics 以扩大复合材料的生产和研发

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