宝理塑料开发出含有短纤维素纤维的 DURACON® 聚甲醛(POM)等级产品,以提高可持续性。
Polyplastics Develops DURACONⓇ POM Grades with Short Cellulose Fiber for Greater Sustainability.
宝理塑料作为工程塑料领域的全球领导者,宣布开发出新型 DURACON® 聚甲醛(POM)等级产品,该产品采用短纤维素纤维增强,在保持当前性能要求的同时降低对环境的影响。这些新产品是宝理塑料 DURACIRCLE® 计划的重点,该计划提供环保型工程塑料以推动循环经济。
Polyplastics, a global leader in engineering plastics, has announced the development of new DURACONⓇ POM grades that are reinforced with short cellulose fiber for lower environmental impact while maintaining today’s performance requirements. The new products are a focus of Polyplastics’ DURACIRCLEⓇ initiative which delivers eco-friendly engineering plastics to drive a circular economy.
与玻璃纤维增强的 POM 相比,新型短纤维素纤维等级产品可以在不显著增加密度的情况下提高弯曲模量,实现了轻量化和高刚性。它们还保持了 POM 出色的滑动性能。纤维素是一种不可食用的生物基材料,有助于实现可持续发展的社会,并且由于其被称为可吸收大气中二氧化碳的负碳材料,目前正受到极大关注。
Compared to glass-reinforced POM, the new short cellulose fiber grades can increase flexural modulus without significantly increasing density, achieving both light weight and high rigidity. They also maintain the excellent sliding properties of POM. Cellulose is a non-edible, bio-based material that contributes to a sustainable society, and is currently drawing significant attention since it is also known as a carbon-negative material that absorbs carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
这些新型 DURACON®POM 等级产品采用溶剂法生产的再生纤维素纤维,几乎不产生废弃物。由于纤维素难以溶解在溶剂中,大多数纤维素纤维是通过一个复杂的过程生产的,其中纤维素先变性,溶解在溶剂中,然后纺丝,再变性回到纤维素状态。
These new DURACONⓇ POM grades utilize regenerated cellulose fiber produced by the solvent method, which generates almost no waste. Since cellulose is difficult to dissolve in solvents, most cellulose fiber is produced via a complicated process in which cellulose is denatured, dissolved in a solvent, spun, and then denatured again to return to cellulose.
然而,溶剂法是一种简化的过程,即直接在溶剂中溶解纤维素并进行纺丝而无需变性。这是一个高效的封闭过程,其中几乎 100% 的使用过的溶剂都可以回收。这种独特的生产过程降低了对环境的影响,包括减少二氧化碳排放。
However, the solvent method is a simplified process of dissolving cellulose and spinning in a solvent without denaturing. This is an efficient closed process in which virtually 100% of the used solvents are recycled. The unique production process provides lower environmental impact, including reduced CO2 emissions.
与玻璃填充的 DURACON®POM 相比,当使用碳钢(S45C)作为配合材料时,短纤维素纤维增强等级产品具有更低的动摩擦系数和更少的磨损。这意味着可以同时实现高刚性和出色的滑动性能。
Compared to glass-filled DURACONⓇ POM, short cellulose fiber reinforced grades have a lower dynamic friction coefficient and less wear when carbon steel (S45C) is used as the mating material. This means that both high rigidity and excellent sliding properties can be achieved.
目前新型 POM 等级产品正在由终端用户和加工商进行抽样测试。
The new POM grades are being sampled by end users and processors.